Dependanding on your project needs, your goals and your constraints, we focus on each possibility to quickly converge towards the best and most robust solution.



Each project goes trough a pre-production stage. Here we carefully analyse and re-transcript your needs, constraints and objectives in terms of what to do and how it will be done. This covers :

  • Provided Data source analysis (geo or non geo data), 2D, 3D data (geodatabase, shapefile, architectural plans,photos, geo 3D models, stroryboard, descriptions)
  • Sourcing and datapack collection (photo survey, tele/laser/photogrammetry)
  • project constraints (engine wise, polygon wise, shading/texture wise)
  • Quality, granularity, aesthetic
  • best production approach (procedural/hybrid/manual)
  • Compilation in reference documentation 

Data source creation and amplification

Production of world scale 3D environments is procedural, data driven and non-destructive by essence and thus vastly relies on the quality of explicit data inputs. But in the majority of the cases, experience has proven that source data is not compliant with the target : 

  • too complex data set (geometry, attributes, granularity)
  • lack or absence of data set for the area because the area is too remote, not well mapped or covered
  • quality is non homegenous
  • Data is too expensive
  • the wanted area is virtual and has to be designed with realism

For all this situation, Romain Janil composes a subset of services in order to produce, generate explicit and implicit dataset to be use as inputs in the following production pipeline :

  • production of correlated vector footprints with tunable granularity and geometric precision for all kind of planimetric elements
  • creation of indirected and extrapolated attributes (heights, nature, colors, any smart attributes too be used in further procedural tools)
  • explicit and implicit derivated planimetry (linears, punctuals for repetitive and scattered entities)
  • merge and conversion of open source data
  • bi directionnal raster/vector conversion to convey data to and from geo and non geo tools (maps of landuse, surface splatting for terrain surfacing and sculpting editors
  • georefing/ round earth conversion of large 3D models
  • Color correction of geoimagery
  • shadow suppresion in imagery
  • and more



Procedural coding

Almost anything can be modeled procedurally with different degrees of parametrization and tweakability.

  • For outdoor buildings, cities, architectural elements, and generic props Romain Janil relies on ESRI CityEngine.
  • For indoor and other spatially complex artifacts, Modo, Maya and Houdini
  • For terrain, DEM, altimetry and landuse creation, FME and WorldMAchine are generally used in a node based non destructive approach
  • Everything is glue together with in-house python development

Asset creation

Procedural generation and manual modeling both require at some point to instanciate or integrate 3D and 2D assets :

  • terminal shapes for procedural rules
  • texture maps and shaders for PBR rendering (realtime or offline)
  • stand alone 3D assets for reconstructed or designed buildings and objects in a non procedural way

​Each of this usecase can profit artistic yet accurate hand made hard surface modeling and texturing. Romain Janil uses DCC tools like Maya, Lightwave and Modo for 3D modeling. Texturing is generally done with Photoshop CC and Quixel suite.


Hero Object creation

Very big and complex buildings or objects are often challenging 3D environments in themselves.

Romain Janil offers services in 3D recreation of monumental indoors for :

  • digital cultural heritage
  • BIM
  • simulated supervision exercices
  • hero assets for simulators (insets)
  • hero assets for VFX

This special projects follow the same workflow

  • datapack collection
  • photo, photogrammetry if possible
  • modelling from plans, sections, elevations if any

and delivery solutions as larger 3D environment, with more accuracy (down to cm) and greater attention to details.


Delivery and Deployment

Depending on the nature and size of the project, different ways of delivering our work can be undertaken.

If the project is the 3D environment itself, the best solution is each time discussed with our clients in order to maximize efficiency and shorten delivery times. Possible solutions are:

  • Exports in generic DCC (FBX, Collada, OBJ) formats of tiled patches of the environment
  • Unity integration with shading and lighting setup
  • multipatch geodatabase,
  • Conversion in common Serious Gaming solution (VBS ), openflight
  • Delivery of source CGA, rule packages and python scripts to integrate smoothly in your production pipeline (best for Simulation firms, game dev studios, and vfx industry)
  • A mix of previous solution with guideline documentation


For still images, and films, regular options are proposed ranging from SD to 4K renders. 


How to contact us


7 Square Dunois 75013 paris France

phone : +33 615 940062

Open hours



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